Feltwood > Disclaime


  1. General information: These conditions regulate the permitted use of the website with URL https://feltwood.com, which is the property of FELTWOOD ECOMATERIALES S.L. (hereinafter, FELTWOOD), with registered address in Zaragoza, CEEI (European Business and Innovation Centre), María de Luna 11, 50.018, and assigned VAT No. B99472326, which is made available to Internet users. Access to this website entails unreserved acceptance of this disclaimer. The use of certain services provided via this website may require registration on the website by users, and shall also be governed by the specific conditions in each case, which are understood to be accepted simply by using the said services.
  2. The intellectual property rights regarding the website, its source code, design, browsing structure, database and the different items contained on it, such as images, video, etc., are the property of FELTWOOD (or the latter holds legal rights to use such), who is exclusively entitled to exercise the exploitation rights over such in any way, and in particular the rights to reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
  3. FELTWOOD is the lawful holder of the industrial property rights referring to its products, services, logos, processes, know-how, images, video, text, etc., displayed on the website or off the website, and any use by third parties is specifically forbidden, although viewing the website, printing and downloading partial content is exclusively authorised providing that the following conditions are met:
    • That it is compatible with the purposes of the website.
    • That it is carried out with the exclusive purpose of obtaining the information for personal and private use. Using the information for commercial purposes, distribution, public communication, transformation or decompiling it is specifically forbidden.
    • That none of the content related to the website is modified in any way whatsoever.
    • That none of the graphics, icons or images available on the website are used, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the accompanying images.
    • That it is clearly stated that the content has been obtained from www.feltwood.com and that it is the property of FELTWOOD.
  4. Regarding any mention of third party products and services that there may be on the website, FELTWOOD is not the holder of any such industrial and/or intellectual property rights, and therefore the mention or display on the website does not imply the existence of such rights, any relationship or responsibility regarding such. Likewise, FELTWOOD does not endorse, sponsor or recommend such products or services unless otherwise specifically stated.
  5. FELTWOOD reserves the right to make any changes and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation at any time without the need to give prior notice and also to the conditions for access to such.
  6. FELTWOOD does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors concerning access to the website or its content, nor that such is up-to-date. FELTWOOD shall perform all tasks required to correct errors, re-establish communication and update content on the website as soon as it becomes of aware of any errors, disconnections or outdated content, providing that the causes do not render such impossible or excessively difficult.
  7. Access to the website and any unauthorised use that may be made of the information contained on the website is the exclusive responsibility of whoever performs such. FELTWOOD shall not be liable for any consequences or damages that could arise from such access or use. FELTWOOD shall not be liable for any security failures that may arise or any damage that could be caused to users’ information systems (hardware and software) or the files or documents stored on such resulting from:
    • Computer virus in the users’ computer used to connect to the website services and content.
    • Malfunction of the internet browser.
    • The use of outdated version of the browser.
  8. FELTWOOD shall not be responsible for any content accessed via links from the website, providing that such is external to the website, nor does it guarantee the absence of computer virus or any other items therein that could cause alterations to the information system (hardware and software), users’ documents, and shall be exempt of liability for any damage of any kind caused to users through such.
  9. Any unauthorised use of the information contained on the website, its resale and any breaches of FELTWOOD’S intellectual or industrial property rights shall lead to the legally established liabilities.
  10. Any third party links to the website must be via the home page and any “deep links” are specifically forbidden, as is any “framing” and another other form of exploitation of the website content in benefit of unauthorised third parties.
  11. FELTWOOD rejects any liability resulting from the exchange of information between users via its website. Neither will FELTWOOD be responsible for any damages arising as a result of false or inaccurate statements made by users on the website. FELTWOOD shall not be responsible for minors using the website in any cases when the content they access could offend them. Full responsibility for determining the contents and services that minors access lies with the adults who are responsible for them. There are filtering and blocking mechanisms in some software that permit limiting the available contents. Those mechanisms are particularly useful to control and restrict access to internet content by minors.
  12. This website provides its users with technical linking devices, directories and other tools such as browsers which permit access to relevant websites and/or others managed by third parties. The installation of such devices has the sole purpose of providing users with access to information, content and services available on the internet. FELTWOOD shall not accept any responsibility for any of the information contained on third party websites that can be accessed through links or browsers from our pages. Nevertheless, we do undertake to remove any links to unlawful content or content that is damaging to the rights of third parties that we become aware of. Users may inform FELTWOOD about the existence of such content if they are redirected to them. FELTWOOD will not accept any liability for damages of any kind that may be caused through the presence of computer virus or other malware in the services provided by third parties through the website that could lead to alterations in users’ information systems, electronic documents or files. The information, software and/or the products or services contained on this website may contain spelling mistakes, inaccuracies and vagueness, which FELTWOOD undertakes to correct without any undue delay as soon as it becomes aware of such, except if they are contained in third party website that users access via links embedded in our website.
  13. FELTWOOD does not have the obligation of supervising publications by third parties on social media, or any responsibility for damages caused through the use thereof. We will only accept responsibility if we are aware of the said unlawful or damaging information and fail to remove it or prevent access to it.
  14. FELTWOOD reserves the right to update, modify or delete information from this website and its configuration without prior notice. Likewise, we may fully or partially suspend publication and modify the structure or content of the website without prior notice.
  15. At its own discretion, FELTWOOD reserves the right to refuse access to any users of this website or parts hereof at any time without prior notice.
  16. FELTWOOD reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and communications on which this website is provided.
  17. FELTWOOD and users hereby specifically revoke any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to, and agree to subject any matters to the courts and tribunals of the city of Zaragoza (Spain).
In order to resolve any problems or submit questions related to this website, please contact us at FELTWOOD via our e-mail: hola@feltwood.com, calling us on +34 976 05 19 87 or writing to us by post at the address provided in the header.

Let's talk

If you believe that any of the aforementioned clauses breach your rights, please do not hesitate to contact us via any of the available contact channels.